Magnetic nanostructures

We investigate relaxation, dynamics and coherence in magnetic nanostructures, focusing on low-dimensional heterostructure such as atomic magnetic clusters. We are interested in the coherent spin dynamics on different nanostructures and in topologically non-trivial nanostructures (more).
Many-Body physics: Ultra-cold atoms

The physics of ultra-cold atoms is accurately described by Hubbard like models. We employ numerical as well as analytical means to analyze many particle systems. We are interested in the dynamics of highly excited states and correlation effects in systems with multiple species and spin degrees of freedom. (more)
Ultra-fast dynamics in nanostructures

Ultrafast charge migration on the sub-femtosecond timescale following the inner-shell ionization of an iodine atom of the diiodomethane molecule is investigated theoretically using the Time-Dependent Configuration Interaction Singles (TDCIS) method. (more)
Nano-Electro Mechanical Systems (NEMS)

We study the coupling of the electronic and mechanical degrees of freedom in NEMS. In collaboration with Blick's group and C. Kim's group, we focus on obtaining rectified direct currents in NEMS-based heterostructures. (more)
Renormalization Techniques for Quantum Chemical Systems

We use tensor network and density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) techniques to investigate dynamical properties of small molecules. Special focus is on quantum correlations after the molecule got ionized by a strong light pulse.