Department of physics
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Institute of Experimental Physics

Welcome to the web pages of the Institute of Experimental Physics
As part of the MIN faculty and of the department of physics of Hamburg University, the research groups of our institute perform research work in the areas of
- particle physics, astroparticle physics and detector physics,
- accelerator physics,
- research with photons.

CMS detector

Plasma simulation
(Jalas /UHH)
(Jalas /UHH)

Ultra-short laser pulses
Institut für Experimentalphysik
Universität Hamburg
Luruper Chaussee 149
D - 22 761 Hamburg
Mrs M. Hack
phone: +49(0)40-8998-2208
fax: +49(0)40-8998-2170
Director: Prof. Dr. W. Hillert
Deputy: Prof. Dr. J. Haller